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If Anyone Would Come After Me

How often do we water down the commands of Christ to coax more people into sticking with “church”? And how often do we paint up being a follower of Jesus as being an earthly payday that we just want the maximum number of people to cash in on? The reality, as my pastor explained recently, is that Jesus said it how it was–the direct truth–and whoever wasn’t fit or mature enough to handle and receive it stayed right where they belonged while He moved on from place to place. One reason why we have churches full of spectators and double-minded individuals rather than soldiers, true followers, disciples, is because our recruiting methods are not Christlike. The way that we petition people on behalf of Jesus is almost like the US Army showing up to your door as Publisher’s Clearing House. We often deceive people into believing they are only signing up for a fun giveaway rather than a lifetime commitment of service, and then it seems that we are baffled as to why people are wavering daily & failing to come to the maturity that’s required of them. Is it possible that some never understand or were willing to give what it takes in the first place? Just some thoughts.

  • Luke 9:23-24 - “And he said to all, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it.”

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